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Catherine's Reflections

Things I Learned In 2020⁠

Things I Learned In 2020⁠

Things I Learned In 2020⁠

Things I Learned In 2020⁠

Hi everyone! From the bottom of my heart, thank you for being a part of this community, I can’t wait to see what the future brings us.  - Catherine  ⁠ Things I Learned In 2020⁠ ⁠ 1. That I hav...

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Are you glad to be a woman?

Are you glad to be a woman?

Hi everyone, Catherine here. This month we celebrate Women's History Month and I have a question for you:Are you glad to be a woman?I was raised in a culture where women were taught to be subservie...

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A very personal end of year reflection from Catherine

A very personal end of year reflection from Catherine

It is March 19th 2021, 2 days before my mother’s final passing from this earth. 20 months earlier, late in the summer of 2019, she had received a terminal diagnosis of ovarian cancer.  At the onse...

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What I remembered when I drank the sacred plant medicine ayahuasca

What I remembered when I drank the sacred plant medicine ayahuasca

“You have the power to heal your life, and you need to know that. We think so often that we are helpless, but we're not. We always have the power of our minds…Claim and consciously use your power....

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This really happened to me!

This really happened to me!

The world is full of goodness. I’ve been witness to this a lot lately, but today was a clincher. My dog chased another dog out onto a frozen pond today and I saw what was going to happen just be...

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Watch our "Working Through Failure" Episode

Watch our "Working Through Failure" Episode

Thanks a million to Shopify for selecting SoYoung for their inaugural video in this web series! Learn about SoYoung's early brush with death when our first order of diaper bags arrived in an unsell...

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