Everyone Has a Story
Before I became a mother, I’d often share a story about myself that never failed to blow people away, mainly because it was in such opposition to the standard first impression of me as “nice”, “friendly”, “sweet”, and possibly “shy” or “quiet”. In other words, a normal person without a dramatic or colored past.
However, after I had kids, I stopped telling people about my past for the sake of my children. Not because I was ashamed of it, but because I didn’t want my kids to suffer a stigma of something that they were too young to understand. But, in the back of my mind, I knew that this story was an important part of who I am and had been waiting for the right time to tell it.
And then the day came when my youngest son, at age 12, asked me straight out: “Mom, have you ever done drugs?”
And I knew it was time.
So now I will share my story with you, and give the history, the struggle, the reason - and the humanity - behind SoYoung. The journey of how we came to be, and why we do what we do in the name of living a healthy, empowered life.
It is the middle of the night when the reality of the nightmare I am living descends upon me once again, having steadily worsened over the past three and a half years. I have the blankets over my head and I am praying. “Please, whatever happens, don’t let him find out about the money. Please, whatever happens, don’t let him find out about the money. Please…” over and over.
Here is the truth: I am an IV heroin drug user. I am financing my drug habit by skimming off the top of my dad’s life savings, which he has entrusted with me to invest and manage. If my father ever finds out about the money I’ve stolen, my plan is to end my life because I could never, ever face him again.
I was born in Montreal to Korean immigrant parents who weren’t the least bit progressive. While I knew that they loved me, my parents didn’t give me much in the way of positive and nurturing messages like “You can do anything you set your mind to” or “You’re so special and loved”. It was more like “You’re stupid” and “Don’t eat that - you’re too fat.” My dad had a drinking problem coupled with anger issues, which spilled over into occasional beatings. At home, my sister and I lived in constant fear of things suddenly blowing up because of a misstep.
One of the subconscious beliefs that has held me in its grips for as long as I can remember is that I am inadequate and not worthy of love, attention or success and that anything good that has happened to me in my life has been an accident and not of my own doing.
I still battle with this “programming” but as a child becoming a young adult, I had no awareness of these beliefs. I just knew that I felt tremendously insecure and was convinced that, with the exception of a few safe friends, most people didn’t like me.
Fast forward to my university years at McGill in Montreal. I would have loved to escape my home and move away for school but my father refused to allow my sister or I to live anywhere but home, where he could continue to control us.
I had very little personal freedom, and even when I was allowed to go out with my friends, my dad wanted me home so early that I seldom participated in the “club” scene - not that I really missed it. Social situations like dances and clubs were always a source of discomfort and I much preferred the more intimate part of the early evening at someone’s house while everyone else got ready to go out. A party girl I was not. I spent pretty much every weekend of my university life at the library just so I didn’t have to be home.
It was also at McGill that I met the boy who I would be with for the next 7 ½ years, Sam. He was Italian, his family was in the construction business and he was somewhat of a rebel. The funny thing about our relationship is that I chose to be with Sam not because I was so in love with him but because he made me feel safe. To me, never having been in love before, that was the equivalent of love.
For me there were no gateway drugs. The first drug I ever tried was heroin.
I was 23 and, having graduated from McGill, was working at a local bank branch. My father had reluctantly given into the idea of letting me move out after I had threatened to move away altogether, so I was sharing an apartment with my girlfriend Rheanna which, unbeknownst to my parents, also housed her boyfriend and my boyfriend, Sam.
For the first time in my life, I was free to do whatever I wanted with whomever I wanted. The funny thing is, I didn’t actually feel free. I had always thought that if I could just get out from under the grip of my parents, that I would be happy. But I wasn’t. I was filled with insecurities, unhappiness, and a sense that I was being judged. Stranger still, I actually missed my parents.
But not on Friday nights.
Sam had a friend from high school - let’s call him Mario - who had opted out of University, still lived with his parents, and worked nights in a button factory. He was also a heroin junkie and was thrilled that he finally had a place other than his basement or his car to go to get high. Mario came over to our place every Friday evening to use and, in exchange, he shared his drugs with us. When I say “us”, I mean, Sam and myself because my roommates were pot smokers. But the 5 of us would sit around and get high together.
Heroin actually seemed pretty harmless to me at the time - mostly because we were smoking it rather than shooting or snorting it, which removed much of the stigma in my mind. Of course, now I know how wrong I was, but at that point, it didn’t strike me as a particularly dangerous activity.
In fact, Friday nights were now the highlight of my week, and I recall practically skipping home from work in anticipation of the evening ahead. It all seemed like fun and games to me - until the night when it all changed.
We were sitting around the table, as usual, getting ready to get high. I looked at my roommate, Rheanna, and wished she weren’t there. I was annoyed with her laziness and messiness and didn’t like the way she treated her boyfriend.
Then, as the drugs were passed to me, I turned away from her and took a toke. In that moment I was suddenly hit with an overwhelming experience of peace and love - everything fell away except this feeling of total and utter wholeness, unlike anything I had ever felt before. I turned back to look at Rheanna and, where not one minute prior to that I had practically despised her, now all I could feel was love.
When I look back, this was the pivotal moment when I changed from being a recreational drug user to an addict. From that moment on, my drug use was 100% driven by the yearning to recreate that powerful feeling of love and peace. The sad thing is, over the next three and a half years, I never experienced it again.
Fast forward 3 years and I have transformed from someone who was hardworking and responsible into a disaster on wheels. My life is a facade. I am always late for work and I am useless at my job. When I am finally fired, it actually comes as a relief.
My journey of addiction has been a slow and steady decline into despair, humiliation and isolation as the threshold of things I say I would never do keeps getting lowered. Things like “I would never do crack cocaine”, “I would never steal money from my loved ones”, “I would never stick a needle in my arm”. Been there, done that. And that. And that too. And I blame Sam for all of it.
In my powerless state, I often find myself haunted by a conversation between Sam and me in the early phase of our heroin use:
Me: “This stuff is dangerous. We should stop doing it. Look at what happened to Mario. I don’t want to turn out like him.”
Sam: “We’re not like Mario. He’s an idiot. People like us don’t get addicted to drugs.”
I remember making a decision to believe him because that’s what I wanted to believe. But even then, deep inside, I knew it wasn’t true. This was where my low self-confidence had cost me the most. Pivotal moment #2.
It is early 1997 and, like nearly every day during this period, I am alone in my apartment. Having lost my job, my sole purpose in life has become scrounging enough money for my next fix. I don’t feel hunger and my main source of sustenance is drinking herbal tea with white sugar and some kind of instant food. I am bone thin but couldn’t care less about what I look like.
When I look back on this time, I recall a moment of clarity that has stayed with me. It was a moment where I experienced a knowing that something was going to change. I didn’t know what that change was going to be - whether I was going to die or whether I was going to get clean, but I just knew in that my days living like this were numbered.
The phone rings and it’s my sister who immediately sets off alarm bells. “Have you been doing something in Daddy’s bank accounts?”
Me: (calm and cool) “No. Why?”
My sister: “He called me and said that he went to the bank today and when the teller updated his passbook, there were hundreds of transactions and none of them were his”. (This was part of my elaborate scheme in financing my drug habit).
Me: "Oh, that’s weird. No, I have no idea. Let me call you later - there’s someone at the door.” And I hung up the phone.
Immediately the phone started to ring off the hook, with call display showing me that my dad was trying to call me, as well as the bank.
This was it. The moment of truth where I had said that, if my dad found out, I would end my life. I didn’t know how I was going to do it yet, but I knew was that I needed to get out of that apartment, away from my ringing phone. I put the leash on my dog, and we escaped.
While I was born and raised as a Catholic, I’ve never been religious. I have, however, always believed in God, in a removed sort of way. Kind of like, God exists but has little relevance to me, because I am too insignificant to be bothered with.
But my mom was quite religious, and she must have had some sense that I was in trouble, because she had given me a small bookmark with a picture of Mother Mary on one side and a prayer on the other. I discovered the bookmark in my purse one day, having forgotten about it. The prayer was a version of the Hail Mary which, in my most painful moments, I had repeated this like a mantra so that I could distract my mind.
This day while I walked the streets with my dog, I did nothing but repeat this prayer over and over again in desperation. With all my being, I wanted a miracle. I wanted to turn back the wheels of time, back to that pivotal moment when Sam said to me “ People like us don’t get addicted to drugs” and I wanted to be that strong, independent person who said “Fuck you, you’re wrong” instead of the weak and insecure me who decided that someone else knew better. I wanted the miracle to be that none of this had ever happened and that I had my old life back. As unhappy as it was, it was still better than this.
Two things saved me.
One was the fundamental belief that, despite it all, suicide is never the answer. During the hours that I wandered and walked through the streets pondering things like, “Does it hurt when you jump in front of a subway?” and “what do I do with Natasha (my dog)?”. The idea of actually following through on it seemed less and less likely. I mean, what if my problems just went with me when I died? That would totally suck.
The other thing was less tangible. Even though I’d never enjoyed going to Church, I had, on a number of occasions, experienced a sense of peace while sitting in an empty church auditorium. There was this beautiful church in downtown Montreal that I would on occasion visit for this very purpose during my years of struggle. I remember being grateful that the doors were always open no matter what time of the day it was and that, even though no one was ever there, it didn’t feel empty because there were always candles lit in prayer for others. So on this day turned evening, I once again found myself in this church, thinking maybe - because I’ve never been so desperate - maybe this time God will grant me a miracle.
I do believe in miracles, both the big flashy ones like spontaneous healings and the quiet shifts that occur almost imperceptibly and could be construed as simply changing your mind about something. I can’t tell you exactly what happened at that church for me except that I decided that maybe despite all of these horrible, shameful things I had done, maybe what I had created in my life was forgivable and that maybe someone could help me.
So I went home and picked up the phone and called my sister.
I had never experienced the East End of Montreal prior to spending 2 weeks in detox there. I recall being shocked at seeing syringes lining in the gutters as I walked from my sister’s car to the door of the detox centre. The centre itself was a down and dirty place, but it was the only one we could find that had space and offered a medical detox, rather than the brutal cold turkey method, which terrified me.
But despite the no-frills atmosphere, I felt at home as soon as I walked in. Within minutes I had befriended the only other English speaking person there, a guy named Lorne, who had been clean from heroin a full week or so - an eternity to me at that point. Plus, it was his second time there in the last few months, so he was a pro.
“So the nurse is going to come this evening and you’re going to be given a cocktail of pills, which you have to take in front of her,” Lorne advised. “Don’t let anyone convince you to give them some of your pills. And then you’re going to pass out and I won’t see you for a couple of days. But once that part is over, the worst is done.”
Prior to getting clean, I had never really felt the presence of a higher power. Where was God when my dad was drunk and beating me up? And what about all the praying I did over the last few years, pleading and begging for help?
But, I noticed something from about the time I picked up the phone and made that call to my sister, the one where I finally broke down and told her everything and we cried together and she told me she knew and she had just been waiting for me to call. We got to a point in the call where she said “OK, so now what are we going to do?”
“Do?” I thought. “There’s nothing that can be done. This is why I never called before. Because I can’t stop. I am going to die an addict.” But I didn’t say that.
At the same time, I couldn’t exactly make this kind of a call and then backtrack, “Actually, I’m good. It’s ok, I’ll figure it out from here.” and hang up. So I played along.
My sister said, “ I think you’re going to have to go to detox, and then after that, a treatment centre.” (She’d really looked into this).
In my (very limited) mind, treatment didn’t work. Our friend Mario (the one who’d started it all) had gone to treatment twice and then came home and started using again. So had a number of people I had encountered over the last few years - I’d only met them because they were still using.
But, because I couldn’t exactly say no, I said, "Yes. Fine, I’ll go." (But it’s not going to work).
As soon as I gave in and decided to go with an idea other than my own, something else took over and paved the way for me. I still had to take the action but, in the course of doing so, it was like I was being led. This included meeting Lorne the minute I walked into the detox and the countless other people and places I was led to over the course of the next year. It just kept happening and all I did was put one foot in front of the other.
For over 3 years I was convinced that every hit I did was the last one, that tomorrow was the day I was finally going to get clean. But the actual last hit I ever did on the morning I left for detox didn’t feel anything like it: there was simply no finality to the moment. In fact, my devious mind was already construing a plan for how I was going to score between the time I left detox and went to long-term treatment.
But something happened to me which, to this day, I cannot explain.
After taking the first cocktail of pills and laying down to pass out, I have very little recollection of the next few days. I know that I wasn’t entirely unconscious the whole time, as I had to get up to receive the tapering doses of meds, and I must have taken a call from my sister because afterward, she asked me “What happened to that woman who was stealing your clothes?” Huh?
But the incredible thing was that on the 3rd or 4th day, I woke up from this delirium perfectly clear - and for the first time since this nightmare had begun, I had no desire to use. In fact, the only thing I wanted to do was take a long, hot bath, which I did (after I got down on my hands and knees and scrubbed the bathtub).
And since that fateful morning in August 1997, I can honestly say that I have never experienced the desire to use again. For this, I can come up with only one explanation: “There, but for the grace of God, go I.”
The story doesn’t end here but suffice it to say that getting clean was just the tip of the iceberg. What followed after that was months of treatment, years of 12 step meetings and countless therapies and therapists. After those three and a half long years of yearning to have my life just go back to the way it was, I realized that would have been the worst thing to have happen.
The person I was before my addiction was tremendously disempowered, vulnerable and unhappy. In order for this to change, I needed to wake up and see that I was responsible for my life and that I had made choices along the way that led to my nightmare drug addiction. As difficult as the lesson was, this experience woke me up to a new way of seeing the world and my place in it.This was a world in which I was not the victim of Sam, Mario or my father but rather one where I was a powerful creator of my own life.
As a mother, my deepest hope is that my children will be spared this type of pain in their lifetime, that somehow they can bypass the pain and just get the lesson. However, as a human being (or maybe, a spiritual being having a human experience), I know that this is highly unlikely. So instead I hope that I can instill in them the knowledge that within their core lies a strength that they have access to that holds the key to creating a life of empowerment and wonder - they simply have to make the choice.
Dear Catherine,
It’s honor to read your story.As most people do, I first learned about you from the Internet and knew you were a strong and lovely person, but never knew you were going through such a painful thing. I admire your courage to overcome your fear and go to rehab and tell your story.
I believe your company will be more and more successful under your leadership. I’d love to work with someone like you.
Best Regards,
Josefina Hu
Development Team
Tel: 0086-18868962430
Email: josefina@zjshenhe.com
Fax:86 0574-88801910
Thank you for sharing your story. What you and countless others have done to escape from the hell of addiction is testimony to the inner strength of humans and the power of faith in all that is good. Your willingness to share your story will surely help others. I read it while coming to your website to buy another lunch poche :) I wish you and your family continued good health and peace.
What an incredibly honest account of your journey and the power of the Grace of God. I am sure you will be an encouragement to many, and what an incredible person your sister is.
Dear Catherine,
Nice to meet you.
This is Carol from China and I work as a sales in INTCO Medical Products. Our company is professional in producing cold/hot products, such as ice pack.
At the very beginning, I noticed your products in Amazon, and i thought maybe we can provide products to you. And then I find this website and this special story.
Facing your inner fears and even making your past experiences public is a very, very rare thing, and your story is very touching. I don’t know what your brand name comes from, but I think this brand must be the one that yearns for great thing and love. Youth is prone to mistakes, but youth is also an era where mistakes can be corrected in a timely manner.
We sincerely hope to work with such a lovely company.
looking forward to receiving your feedback.
with best regards,
Jiangsu Intco Medical Products Co., LTD
Carol Luo
I am so thankful that you were able to hear the whisper of the Lord. This is a powerful testimony, thank you for sharing. I pray the Lord bless you and you see so much more of His goodness and grace throughout you and your children’s lives. It is hard to imagine just how much he loves us. In moments of desperation we get to feel how far we are from heaven, and it makes us long for Him so dearly; Your story is a true testament of this.
Exodus 14:14 “the Lord will fight for you, you need only be still.”
Angelica Pozniak
Catherine, so grateful that you decided to live, sharing Gods miracles and telling your story. May you continue to live courageously, inspire others, and find peace in every day. Love is the greatest healer of self and others, it brings salvation and is the solution. God breathes love into our soul, spirit and body, it’s our birthright.
Thank you for letting us know your ‘why’. I am glad to have read your story and I wish you a wonderful and happy life. I love your products and now, I know why. Thanks!
Thank you for telling your story so inspiring and brave!
I am moved and impressed by your story.
Life is strange: you mention the lack of self-worth that you felt for much of your life, but I can say that I found you quite impressive when you were at CEGEP and McGill University.
Good luck!
Such a powerful story. Thank you for sharing your courage, heart and lessons.
Thanks for sharing your story. All of us have one, but it gives me comfort to believe there is always hope.
What an incredibly inspiring story, thank you for sharing. Wishing you all the best with your company. I love our lunch bag, it accompanies us on our adventures chock full of yummy snacks. I just ordered a pouch for cutlery. I will think of you now every time we use it. Xoxoxo
Incredibly courageous to share your story. And as one of your co-workers during your bank days, I’m sorry I never picked up on your troubles to offer you whatever help I could. From what you’ve accomplished professionally – and personally – since then, I’d say you have a lot to be proud of. Cheers!
Catherine thank you for sharing your story. I came across your website whilst doing research for my own business. Your story struck a cord with me. My whole life I have always felt inadequate which has riddled me with anxiety. I am slowly learning deal with this. Reading your story gives me courage and inspiration to keep moving forward. Thank you again.
I was browsing for gifts for my great grandchild and thought I would read your story. It was powerful, so brutally honest I was in awww of your courage to battle this disease. Congrats on your sobriety you are an inspiration to me and so many others.
Deborah Lightfoot
Wow! I am blown away on your incredible journey. You are truly an inspiration. Thank you for your transparency. Although my story is very different from yours, I too have my own struggles, I am working on and I hope to find happiness for myself & my family.
Thanks for sharing. I have a similar journey. From the childhood to adulthood. I am a proud mother of 4, happily married to a man that I have no secrets with. I am also on my way to becoming a Nurse Practitioner and I have never regretted telling my children my truth. Bless you!
Thank you for courageously sharing your story. May God bless you and SoYoung to continue to bear fruit from the seed He planted in you. Heard good things about your product even before I heard your story. Happy to support!
Jeannie Kim
Thank you so much for being so frank and sharing your story. It must have been very difficult, but it may help someone else find a sense of hope and create change in their life.
Catherine, thank you for sharing your story with so much honesty, vulnerability, and strength. I pray it can set other people free! And to establish this business is the continuing of the story. Beautiful.
What a powerful and emotional story. Thank you for being so transparent. I was so inspired by your product and how you sold your idea to the Dragons. Like them, I looked at your beautiful family and thought," What a great looking group of folks….almost like models," Your willingness to defy that false mask of perfection and share that you are real and flawed and human means so
much to those who would compare themselves to what looks “perfect.” God Bless You and your business.
Exceptionally brave to share the story with us and it is definitely very inspiring on how far you have come. We can also learn through your journey, thank you for sharing.
We love your lunchbag by the way?
Thank you for your bravery. I hope that more of us can be honest about our experiences and realize how much we are worth. We must not be ashamed of our past. Thank you for sharing so others know they are not alone.
Kimberly Baker
What a beautiful story of mercy, hope and strength. Another verse I thought of as reading this is that there is now no condemnation through those who are in Christ Jesus. Rom 8:1
Keep telling your story.
Vickie Bennett
Thank you for sharing you story. You really touched me with the reference to people not seeing anything but the good, the friendly, the sweet. I relate to that because I too have a tainted colored past that’s not so pretty. I have found healing in God, and choose to not talk about it often mainly because of my children.
I appreciate your vulnerability, and believe it is a reflection of the strong woman you are today. I love what you’re doing with your company!
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