You Are Not Alone

What started out as an idea to create a product that I dreamt up as a new mom has turned into a life’s mission to contribute to the healing and empowerment of humanity.
We each possess incredible power within us to create the lives that we desire.
The way to access this power is through dedicated practice: moving our bodies, quiet self-reflection - and meeting the challenges that life throws our way as growth opportunities.
Small and consistent steps over time have tremendous power to transform.
Never give up on yourself or your dreams.

"And then the day came when my youngest son, at age 12, asked me straight out: “Mom, have you ever done drugs?”"
Before I became a mother, I’d often share a story about myself that never failed to blow people away, mainly because it was in such opposition to the standard first impression of me as “nice”, “friendly”, “sweet”, and possibly “shy” or “quiet”. In other words, a normal person without a dramatic or colored past. I’m certainly guilty of rushing to the same conclusions. When I meet someone who seems normal and together, I tend to imagine that they’ve had a happy childhood with lots of pleasant memories of growing up. And time and again, I’ve been proven wrong.
I’m certainly guilty of rushing to the same conclusions. When I meet someone who seems normal and together, I tend to imagine that they’ve had a happy childhood with lots of pleasant memories of growing up. And time and again, I’ve been proven wrong.
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